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  Squint - the sqf editor and error-checker updated Editing    
sbsmac has informed us about the release of an updated Squint - the sqf editor and error-checker v on the BI Forums.

Hi guys, I have another tool to announce and one that I hope will make a huge difference to the world of arma scripting!
Squint is an editor and static-analyser (error-checker) for ArmA2 and Operation ArrowHead script files.

But no release is perfect and there have been a lot of great suggestions on how to improve squint. Based on those I've been working hard to add the following features....

* Line-numbers have been added to the code-window.
* Support for the following file-extensions: ext,sqm,cpp,hpp,rvmat,bin,cfg,pbl
* Search and replace have been added
* An 'undo' feature has been implemented
* A basic auto-indent has been implemented; you can auto-indent code as you go along or select a region and hit TAB to auto-indent.
* Auto-complete/intellisense has been implemented. When enabled, squint will monitor your typing and offer you a choice of possible completions in a pop-up dialog box. This really saves a lot of time and effort for those long BIS_fnc_.. names! Auto-complete can also offer you completion for local variable names that are in scope and can help you avoid 'bracket-fatigue' by offering completions for common control constructs, eg "for [{},{},{}] do {};" as a completion of "for".
* The colour scheme is more flexible than before. You can change the background colour and font used by the file-list and error-list and you get an immediate preview of your colour-changes for the code-window.
* You can import and export colour 'themes'; I hope to host some user-made themes on the squint website over the next week - please contact me via the BIS forums if you have a colour-scheme you'd like to share.
* BIS & ACE function names have been added to the dictionary as 'known' global variables.
* An external helper app allows shell-integration. Just right click on a file to open it in squint !
* Support for binarised files is now implemented. You can edit the contents of config.bin or any other binarised file, even those already inside pbo's.
* The error-detection phase is now much faster for large multi-file projects.
* The code-window now has much less flicker when jumping around within a file.
* As well as the new features, a significant number of bugs have been fixed including one that could cause squint to hang while idle.

Thanks to all who have provided feedback so far - please keep it coming to help me improve the tool.

As always, existing users should find that they are automatically updated to the latest version which is currently If squint is not updating, you can force an update by re-running the setup file.

Source : Squint Homepage
  August 29th, 2010 - 18:55 By Old Bear   Comment (0)  

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