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  AI FO, PRADAR and PINS by blackace updated Addon release    
blakeace has informed us about updated AI Forward Observer v1.4.02, PRADAR (Player Radar) V1.2.03and PINS (Pseudo Inertial Navigation System) and Bombing v1.03.02 relearse on the BI Forums.

Blake's AI Forward Observer v1.4.02

Added: Distance given in "debug" mode is referenced to the first artillery unit synced to the module if using placed units. Module is used for dynamically placed units.
Added: Marker range circles showing ranges when using "debug" mode.
Improved: FO's will now only call missions from one battery at a time if they are synced to multiple AI FO modules. If using multiple batteries and FO's will more likely spread the fire missions around the different FO's better.

Blake's PRADAR v1.2.03

v1.2.03Changed: Near object information gathering moved to a second thread.
Changed: Reduced the number of dots and names displayed to reduce stutter. Total of 6 each.
Added: Number of peripheral dots displayed dynamically changes to only have a maximum combination of 8 controls displayed at once. Excluding lists. To help reduce stuttering issue introduced in game engine changes in patch 1.62.
Changed: Increased the range to 80m.
Changed: Collection area is now forward of the players view. Centre 30m unless the player is looking at the ground closer. This allows better filtering of desired focus.
Changed: Reduced the peripheral dot size to 50% to be less obtrusive.
Changed: Label size, position, range viewable, and colour/alpha value for easier viewing.

Blake's PINS v1.03.02

Altered: Menus to be created with the aircraft rather than dynamically to prevent duplication.

  December 2nd, 2012 - 08:37 By Old Bear   Comment (0)  

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