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  ASR AI addons v1.15 by Robalo_AS Addon release    
Robalo_AS has released an updated ASR AI addons v1.15 on the BI Forums. Components : sys_airearming : AI units equip with weapons and ammo on their own and sys_aiskill : AI skills and awareness improvements.

1.15 | 17 JUN 2012
- AI uses a lower stance in combat - crouch more, shoot from prone with MG, AR, sniper rifles or other weapons with bipods (ACE) (userconfig: stayLow = 1).
- Steadier AI machinegunners - less recoil based on firing position (userconfig: recoilMod = 1).
- Recoil is increased for wounded AI units (userconfig: recoilMod = 1).
- Added option to debug the gunshot hearing aid feature on screen (userconfig: gunshothearing_debug = 0).
- Merged asr_ai_c_aigrenadierfix pbo with asr_ai_c_airof
- Units unable to walk/run (wounded legs) are removed from their group unless they are healed in some time (userconfig: split_legged = 300).
- They will also be excluded from group consolidation.
- Optimised smoke throwing.
- Lower stance for higher building positions, also snipers stay in them more.
- Excluded a few buildings from the AI house patrol feature.
- Added option for how many morphine and epi units will try to maintain (ACE mod, wounding module; userconfig: ACEmeds[] = {4,1}; meaning: {amountIfMedic,amountIfNotMedic}).
- Fixed the slow AI aiming in the asr_ai_c_aiskill config addon.
- Foot soldiers are 20% less detectable (all units can hide better).
- Small adjustments of the default userconfig settings.

  June 18th, 2012 - 10:48 By Old Bear   Comment (0)  

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