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Comments for Invasion 1944 - Experiment
Sounds lovely :) but as someone else said, inv44 schould consider an Arma - 1 release. Just to keep us busy in the waiting time.

The 1st MOD for Arma2 we could say! ^^

As ever, screenshoots and something else from your team always seem terrific and the same time torture us fans as well in anxious waiting for that.
As to any releases, of course, that's up to you. But what I suggest that would be better to release the current ARMA beta before coming of ARMAII and leave anohter Beta for ARMAII. I think we also still have to wait for more WW2 stuff things for ARMAII from others for some while. But for ARMA, we could play more such stuff before those coming.

Edited by OFPCAT -
The sound is lovely, sounds as loud and chaotic as any
random assault to a fortified possition; seems and sounds
to be a very good job.

Well all of the stuff is unedited (the pbos were just put straight into ArmA2), so BIS did a good job as well ;)

(the scripting is not 100% compatible though and causes some problems, but for virtually 0 effort it proves that porting addons and fixing the problems is relatively easy if you more or less know what you're doing).

Edited by JdB -
The sound is lovely, sounds as loud and chaotic as any
random assault to a fortified possition; seems and sounds
to be a very good job.

Edited by wipman -


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