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  F3 v3-1-0 Released Editing    

fer has informed us about F3 v3-1-0 release

The F3 team is pleased to announce the release of v3-1-0 of its mission development framework, our most significant release yet.

We've added and improved many features; highlights include:

[list][*]Reworked folder structure: now F3 is more modular than ever.
[*]Radio Systems Support: use ACRE or TFR via mission parameter.
[*]F3 Simple Wounding System: ArmA 2-like medical system and dragging.
[*]AI Caching: reduces server load by automatically caching distant enemies.
[*]F3 Spectator Script: now with player tags, maps and a smoother camera.
[*]Premount: fast and flexible way to premount troops in multiple vehicles.
[*]MapClick Teleport: highly configurable, now supports HALO insertions.
[*]Mission Conditions: Improved to take full advantage of improvements made in Arma 3.
[*]AssignGear: Streamlined to ease modification of uniforms, backpacks and attachments.
[*]Fixed issues with JIP and respawn, and implemented an improved JIP component.[/list]

To make it even easier to start using F3, we've updated our fully illustrated online tutorials for making adversarial and coop missions.

The core development team for v3-1-0 has been: Wolfenswan, Head, Cam, cptnnick. We would also like to thank the following communities in our wider review and testing team: Folk ARPS | Basterd ArmA | Black sh33p | Bourbon Warfare | Phantactical | Pointfire | Project Awesome | Team One Tactical | The Company

Discuss F3 at:
- BI Forums
- Folk ARPS Forums

From the file:

3-1-0 RC6 | 16 JUN 2014

Added Admin Briefing component:
- Lists endings and allows admin to invoke them by clicking a link.
Updated E&E Check component:
- Allows passing of side instead of array.
- Groups/units are now passed as an array of strings to prevent script-errors.
- Optional boolean (last parameter): toggle if to check playable units only (default: true).
Updated the F3 Simple Wounding System component:
- Made the release action created on yourself so its always around.
- Tweaked SetDowned.
- Added longer delay before system starts to allow for desync'd players..
Updated F3 Spectator Script component:
- Modified the freecam to use correct height in follow-mode.
Fixed typo in AI Skill Selector component.
Fixed error in Radio Systems Support component.

3-1-0 RC5 | 11 JUN 2014

Added Radio Systems Support component (replaces ACRE support component):
- Supports ACRE and TFR systems via single mission parameter.
- All radios cleared to avoid duplication of radio items.
- Optional: radio frequencies split based on unit's side.
- Spectator chat correctly handled for all players.
- Radios assigned based on assignGear calls (from unit init).
- ACRE only: vehicles filled with radios, depending on size.
- New component works separately from the F3 Folk ARPS Assign Gear Script component for locality purposes.
Updated Fireteam Member Markers component:
- Team colours are now assigned in arrays at top of script (easier to modify, same functionality).
Updated Join Group Action component: new notifications.
Updated ORBAT Notes component:
- ORBAT lists vehicles, crew and any loaded elements.
- ORBAT lists individual medics (under their element leader).
Fixed F3 Spectator Script component:
- Fixed issues for players joining into spectator mode during a no-respawn mission.
- Fixed various tags and camera issues.
Fixed several components for use with JIP/respawn:
- Fireteam Member Markers component.
- F3 Folk ARPS Group Markers component (specifically for specialist markers).
- Join Group Action component.

3-1-0 RC4 | 03 JUN 2014

Fixed AI Skill Selector component: removed references to precursor component.
Fixed F3 Folk ARPS Platoons component: incorrect group names for some FIA groups.
Fixed F3 Folk ARPS Assign Gear Clothing component: incorrect uniforms for FIA drivers.
Fixed F3 Simple Wounding System component: typo with variable name.
Fixed F3 Spectator Script component: tags and camera issues.

3-1-0 RC3 | 29 MAY 2014

Updated F3 Folk ARPS Platoons component:
- Added CO/DC driver (repair) slots (all factions).
- Added UAV Operator slots to FIA.
Updated MapClick Teleport component: added HALO option.
Updated Mission Conditions Selector component:
- Night option now features full moon.
- Other options adjusted (better dawn/dusk etc.).
Fixed ReadMe File Template component: removed ArmA 2 references.
Fixed F3 Folk ARPS Assign Gear Script component: incomplete lists of classes in headers.
Fixed F3 Spectator Script component: minor issues.
Fixed F3 Simple Wounding System component: minor issues.

3-1-0 RC2 | 28 MAY 2014

Updated F3 Folk ARPS Platoons component:
- Ground vehicle drivers and selected helicopter crew members are now able to repair vehicles.
- Ground vehicle commanders have rangefinders.
- Fixed AAF DC group assignment.
Updated Safe Start component:
- Changed frequency and duration of notifications.
- Changed name of parameter variable.
Fixed ACRE Support component: script path(s).
Fixed Debug Mode component: string paths (several were still referring to f\common)
Fixed F3 Folk ARPS Assign Gear Script component:
- Removed blank between assignGear and ; in unit INIT lines.
- Removed nul = for unit INIT assignGear call.
Fixed F3 Folk ARPS JIP Reinforcement Options component: paths (were still referring to f\common).
Fixed F3 Folk ARPS Group Markers component: markers work for JIP players.
Fixed Mission Conditions Selector component: issue with overcast implementation.
Fixed PreMount component:
- Fixed incorrect function calls in modules for CSAT.
- Made more robust.
Fixed E&E and Casualties Cap components: ensured code spawned happens globally.
Fixed SP Editor issues (various).

3-1-0 RC1 | 24 MAY 2014

Restructured folders and files:
- Nearly all components now rest within their own sub-folder.
Added AI Skill Selector component:
- Replaces the old AI Skill Selector (A&D and Coop) component.
- Allows the skill levels of all three combatant sides to be set individually via mission parameters.
Added F3 Folk ARPS Assign Gear Attachments component:
- Works with F3 Folk ARPS Assign Gear Script component.
Added F3 Folk ARPS Assign Gear Clothes component:
- Works with F3 Folk ARPS Assign Gear Script component.
Added F3 Simple Wounding System.
Added F3 Premount component:
- Mission makers can quickly and easily mount multiple groups in multiple vehicles.
- Mission makers can control use of crew seats and group cohesion across vehicles.
- Pre-placed modules support easy mounting of squads from pre-placed platoons.
Added Respawn Templates component:
- Replaces Respawn INIT component.
Added MapClick Teleport component:
- Replaces the Mission Maker Teleport component.
- Can also be used by players in-game.
- Mission makers can restrict usage by number of uses and/or time.
- Mission makers can restrict usage to group leaders.
Added support for OPFOR and Independent FIA platoons to following components:
- Briefing Template component.
- F3 Folk ARPS Assign Gear Script component.
- F3 Folk ARPS Group IDs component.
- F3 Folk ARPS Group Markers component.
Updated Authorised Crew Check component:
- Now incorporates Authorised Crew Type Check component.
- Mission maker can now control access to passenger seats as well.
Updated Buddy Team colours component:
- Fixed bug with teams that begin in vehicles.
Updated Casualties Cap component:
- Now incorporates Casualties Cap (Advanced) components.
Updated Dynamic View Distance component:
- Mission makers can now control view distances for vehicle passengers.
Updated F3 Folk ARPS Assign Gear Script component:
- Backpacks parameter renamed to Loadouts.
- Added UAV operator loadout to all factions.
- Changed default AT for AAF faction to RPG32.
- Replaced all binoculars with rangefinders.
- Fixed issues with respawn and JIP.
- F3 Folk ARPS Assign Gear component is now called using f_fnc_assignGear (omitting the folk).
- Uniform types (e.g. light, crew, diver etc.) for each unit type can now assigned in the faction's assignGear file.
- Added new uniform types: ghillie suits and special forces (AAF don't have a dedicated AAF loadout, FIA use CTRG).
- Backpack loadouts have been moved into their own file.
- Attachments are now assigned as local variables, can be assigned as a per-type basis.
- Added options for handgun attachments.
- Tweaks to improve perfomance when loading vehicles with assignGear.
Updated F3 Folk ARPS Group IDs component:
- Reworked to tidy up code and bring up to standard.
Updated F3 Folk ARPS JIP Reinforcement Options component:
- Fixed component for respawn and JIP.
- Uses RespawnTemplate instead of a EventHandler.
- Added optional removal of old player corpses.
- Added optional enforcement of old gear.
- Added JIP menu allows joining no group or staying in old group if it still has members.
Updated F3 Folk ARPS Platoons component:
- Added UAV operator to each CO/DC team for NATO, AAF and CSAT.
Updated F3 Spectator Script component:
- Full sized map.
- FOV Zoom.
- Tag names for players.
- Completely overhauled camera- now much smoother.
- Revamped tags.
Updated Mission Conditions Selector component:
- All relevant files moved to f/missionConditions.
- Split f_setMissionConditions.sqf into three files: fn_setFog, fn_setDate, fn_setWeather.
- Updated component to take advantage of BIS improvements in weather system and sychronisation.
- Updated component to allow usage of new setFog array.
- Updated component to allow smooth time transitions when changing the date.
Update Multiplayer Ending Controller component:
- Component is now called using ["ending"] call f_fnc_mpEnd and needs only to be called on the server.
- Updated to take advantage of Arma 3 improvements.
- Component now accepts optional second parameter: true (default) displays "mission completed" type of ending, false "mission failed".
Updated Safe Start component.

  June 17th, 2014 - 12:40 By Old Bear   Comment (0)  

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