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  Proper addons for OA (v 1.0)  
Picture of Proper addons for OA Author : kju
Version : 1.0 Era : Modern Type : Misc
Size : 1.2 MB 7z Demo mission : No
Downloads : 743 No rating for this addon.

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Included *.pbo files : Needed addons :
N/A None
Description :
Kju made these addons compatible with Operation Arrowhead.
Here is the information about the adoons.

ActualModelsOfWeaponMagazinesVisibleOnTheGround_by Andersson_Visuals_C_PROPER
Shows the correct model for the magazine dropped on the ground instead of the
standard bag.

Adds the follow game types to the MP lobby filter:

* AAS "Assault And Secure"
* AD "Attack and Defend"
* CH "Capture and Hold"
* crCTI "crCTI"
* Devastation "Devastation"
* Domination "Capture The Island"
* ESL "ESL Missions"
* Evolution "Evolution"
* TDM "Team Death Match"

The new types need to be added to the mission to be found.

Black background in the gear dialog to avoid being distracted and make the
dialog better readable.

BlockIconforRadarItemInTacticalDisplay_Visuals_C_P ROPER
Rectangular shape like in OFP and ArmA instead of round for better look and
better to see.

Makes cars, trucks and wheeled move faster offroad.

Disables airlock for the Vikhr of the Ka52 and Ka50.

Disables the ballistic computer for any vehicle.

DisableBasicConversationsForAnyUnit_Gameplay_C_PRO PER
Disables the basic conversations for any unit.

Requires CBA.

Replaces the button click sound with a far better one.

Removes the ugly looking hand cursor in the center of the screen.

Makes grenades of all types no longer jump on ground impact.

Removes the smoke trail from all missiles and rockets. This allows one to see
the rocket fly and therefore steer manually, if available. Also the impact can
be seen that way much better.

Disables auto switch to optics for binocular.
The tweak allows you to look above the binocular and look through it only
when necessary by pressing the optics key. In addition you can walk with
a binocular without the annoying auto switch to optics.

DisableMainMenuIntrosTakistanZargabadDesert_E_Spee dUp_C_PROPER
Replaces the intro scene for Takistan, Zargabad and Desert_E with a very simple
static camera scene. This way if you return to the main menu, it will will load
instantly, instead of the long load of the standard intro.

Disables the stock MP missions supplied by BI.
Only needs to be available server side to disable the missions on a server.

DisableOnDamageSoundForHelicopters_Sound_C_Gamepla y
Disables the warning sound on damage for helicopters.

Disables the warning sound on damage for planes.

Disables the warning sound on damage for tanks.

DisablePeripheralVisionBloodTexture_Visuals_C_PROP ER
Removes the blood texture in 1st person view when hit as infantry.
Way too arcady..

Removes the spheres at the edge of the screen.
Only confuses people and not a good try to simulate peripheral vision.

Removes the red spheres indicating hostile units or vehicles.
Only confuses people and not a good try to simulate peripheral vision.

Removes the green spheres indicating friendly units or vehicles.
Only confuses people and not a good try to simulate peripheral vision.

Removes the white spheres indicating neutral units, animals or empty vehicles.
Only confuses people and not a good try to simulate peripheral vision.

Disables all post processing effects for vehicle gunner and commander optics.
Both way better FPS and less HDR issues with the tweak active.

Disables all post processing effects for infantry weapon optics.
Both way better FPS and less HDR issues with the tweak active.

Disables the basic conversations with any unit.

Requires CBA.

DisableSecondaryExplosionEffectOfVehicles_Visuals_ C_PROPER
Disables the secondary explosion FX.

Requires CBA.

DisableStartEngineOnTurretMovementForTanks_Gamepla y_C_PROPER
Turning the turret no longer turns the engine on for tanks.

Disables the random talk/chatter feature. Not meaningful anyway.

Disables the effect of vehicles burning. The flames look too weird.

Requires CBA.

Doubles the getIn distance for vehicles.

Doubles the distance to make use of a support vehicle (repair, fuel, ammo).


EasyFly script by Celery
SQF conversion by i0n0s
Tweaked by rocko

Simplify fixed wing flight model.

Requires CBA.

Adds a listbox in video options to set the HDR value ingame.

Adds a listbox in video options to set the shader detaild value ingame.

Makes the cursor in the top radar larger and yellow to become better readable.

Enables turn out for M1A2 driver.

Enables turn out for T72 driver.

EnableZoomForBinocularAndLaserdesignator_Gameplay_ C_PROPER
Adds zoom for binocular and laserdesignator.

Doubles weapon sway to be combined with reduced movement fatigue.

Makes throwing handgrenades twice as fast and therefore more useful and not as
long stuck in the animation just waiting to get shoot.

Makes the stepping over twice as fast and therefore more useful and not as
long stuck in the animation just waiting to get shoot.

FixedLockedSlotsColorsInMPMissionLobby_Visuals_C_P ROPER
Fixes the colors of locked players in slots to the respective side color.

HideActionsAvailableViaKeyShortcuts_Controls_C_PRO PER
Hides the following key actions from the action menu:

* GetOut
* TurnIn
* TurnOut
* Eject
* MoveToGunner
* MoveToCommander
* MoveToTurret
* ManualFire
* ManualFireCancel
* AutoHover
* AutoHoverCancel
* LandGear
* LandGearUp
* FlapsDown
* FlapsUp
* HandGunOn
* HandGunOff

Make sure to assign the key shortcuts in controls instead.

Hides the green transparent box of vehicles with radar that isn't indicating
the scan / view range anyway.

Increases the compass size to make it better readable.

ImprovedExtCameraPositionForTanks_Gameplay_C_PROPE R
Makes the third person camera positioned bit higher and more far away.
The default is too close for most models and therefore the camera does have
issues when looking around.

Config tweak by McHide to make the Javelin fly more smoothly with realistic values.
Adds the correct 4x optic fixed zoom.

Issuing a target that unit command as commander keeps the commander optics on
the target. It no longer turns with the gunner.

Makes every ingame menu, like main menu, ESC dialog, editor, etc, to be controlled
by the following keys based on their element numbers counted from top left:

* 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
* Q,W,E,A,S,D,Y,X,C
* Left ALT / left CTRL with the characters.

LongMissionSelectionListInEditorLoadMission_Visual s_C_PROPER
Moves the mission selection dialog in the editor to the top center and displays
a lot more mission entries at the same time.

Makes the gear dialog non movable to avoid moving it by mistake.

Makes the chat input box broader to see more text input while typing.

MoveActionIconTextPositionToActionMenu_Visuals_C_P ROPER
Moves the action icon text just above the action menu.
Should be combined with the addon to remove action icons (text only).

Moves the chat input box to the bottom to avoid clutter the main screen.

More clean HUD for a few commander slots by not showing the empty fake weapon.

UnlimitedTransportOfWeaponsAndMagazinesInVehiclesT oAvoidAmmoSpillingBug_Fix_C_PROPER
Workaround to avoid the ammo spilling bug in MP.

Better looking lock cursor.

More vivid colors for radar targets like in OFP.

Replaces the top center compass bar with the OFP one.

Changes some markers to OFP marker style.

Better looking player slot icon in the editor.

Changes the falling tree when knocked over by a tank, APC, car or truck, to the
original OFP sound. The a2 ones just sound horrible.

Reduced weapon weight to reduce weapon movement lag in the vertical sphere.
Recommended for CQB play.

Halved exhaustion from movement and doubled recovery rate if not.
Recommended for CQB and infantry play to promote movement.

Separated 'continue' from 'preview' and 'exit' to avoid click the first by mistake.

Shows action text instead action icons.
Recommended to combine with PROPER tweak to move the text to the left side just
above the action menu (to reduce cluttering the interface).

Makes the chat list background color solid to have the text better readable.

Makes static objects, like houses and structures, visible way beyond the standard
drawing distance limit. In addition they no longer pop into view.
Instead they have a very nice seamless transition.

Made a few vehicle interaction texts shorter to reduce interface clutter.

Makes a broken rotor far less likely by balancing the inflicted damage to the
whole chopper.

Requires CBA.

Makes the scoreboard in the debriefing view better readable by moving some UI
elements away from the center.

TweakedExternalSoundVolumeInVehicles_insideSoundCo ef_Sound_C_PROPER
Makes you hear every outside sound even inside vehicles as loud or at all.

TweakedExternalSoundVolumeInVehicles_obstructSound s_Sound_C_PROPER
Disables the effect of sound obstruction simulation when being inside a vehicle.

TweakedExternalSoundVolumeInVehicles_occludeSounds _Sound_C_PROPER
Disables the effect of sound occlusion simulation when being inside a vehicle.

Tweaked gear filters to the new system:

* First only primary weapons (rifles, MGs, snipers).
* Second only secondary weapons (MGs, snipers, launchers).
* Third only ammo for primary and secondary weapons, as well as handgrenades.
* Fourth only pistol weapons and magazines, as well as rifle grenades.
* Fifth is everything.

Replaces rifle cursor with the OFP style cursor.
Replaces the sniper and MG cursor with a single dot cursor.
Adds the OFP style cursor while running and sprinting.


Duke 49th (red aimdot texture)Removes almost all vehicles cursors for driver/pilot/gunner/commander.
Instead one has to use optics / weapon sights or tracers to aim.

For the Su34, choppers gunners or pilot with manual fire active or
mortar you get a small red aimdot to be able to target.

Makes vehicles and units visible way beyond the standard drawing distance limit.
In addition they no longer pop into view. Instead they have a very nice seamless transition.

Makes all weapon and interaction cursor white for best contrast and look.
Picture of Proper addons for OA Picture of Proper addons for OA Picture of Proper addons for OA Picture of Proper addons for OA Picture of Proper addons for OA
Size : 1.2 MB 7z
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