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Comments for A Bunker for ArmA addon Contest is still alive
January 15th, 2009 - 18:55
I see very few servers that still play warfare. The teams need to protect the HQ instead of running around trying to get kills and score, warfare is just a poor pubbie game mode because it requires team work and tactics.

January 15th, 2009 - 15:00
JRCOBRA: if u are playing only singleplayer and offline i understand your comment if u using addons just to see how they look in editor. what is point of addons if they arent used by players ? if u search XR warfare server u will see it is always busy and it allows 40 people to play warfare game thus your comment "anyone really cares" dont really sound nice here.

TheViper: yes it would be great to have whole new set of structures, but since no one reply for basic building any further to this post on forum it has no point to ask about next structure.

Icewind.123 says we are asking too much. i am not coder or addon maker, but separate building desctruction was introduced in 2005-6 if i recall right. if we need lower demands for basic structure without any complicated objects(just 5 walls and roof), what will be if we asked for contest with vehicle ? :D

January 12th, 2009 - 13:41
I agree, JRCOBRA.

To meet the requirements like single destructable parts of the building and stuff, that's something only a few modders can accomplish and know how-to (only a concept building with single destructable parts exist and it was probably a damn lot of work).

I guess until they lower their "demands" none will be able to reach them.

January 11th, 2009 - 10:41
I would suggest a whole new set of structures for Warfare not just a MHQ.

January 10th, 2009 - 21:10
Why does this keep popping to the top of the news?I don't think anyone really cares about warfare or having a mhq bunker.

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