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Comments for Marek Španěl interview by Level 165
I personally am confident in BIS, O.F.P was (and still is GREAT!), Armed Assault is good too, but I think that BIS learned from it because they see how the community reacts to their announcements every day. And a C.W.C style SP? So what? I like that cold communist soviet (no insults intended) feeling which O.F.P had, and I don't mind ArmA2 having it. And I think is that revive will be toggled, or an option, you don't have to stick to revive (although I am against it, it can prove to be good in some areas). I say lets take a look at the game, and then draw conclusions.

And about the console: I say go ahead! I am not a console fan, and I am sure that and they will stick to hardcore realism, as you guys said, they have mouths to feed, bills to pay (and staff to pay too).


Edited by DaKa -
  Daniel Von Rommel    
I totally agree JD1, Clearly we have two sides, people who don't care and people who try to tell BIS they'll do everything to stop them (as of now, just moaning)

This of course only if the PC version is a conversion, if they're 2 different games it's okay.

I hope, but I doubt it, I think we'll just get COD4 with bigger maps and vehicles

What's that, an upgraded game from BIS with a storyline? God no!...

Why console? Because BIS need to feed themselves and their families. Screaming "fuck you i wont buy your game" doesnt really change anything does it?

Just see how the ArmA 2 and OFP 2 pan out, see how good they are when released, and then decide which to buy, or both, or neither. In the meantime, enjoy ArmA, it's awesome now. :)

Edited by Daniel -
Why console? I am still asking myself... why console?
Consoles are ruining hardcore simulations... and they're even stealing our games (PC), kids playing consoles are usually playing arcade games and not simulations like PC gamers.
Geez can't we have a PC game only anymore? Arma 2 got more chance to sucks now because of these *bip* consoles... pretty sad.

  Daniel Von Rommel    
I hope, but I doubt it, I think we'll just get COD4 with bigger maps and vehicles (which would still be great for a console, but not something I would ever buy on a PC, even if it's the successor of a great game (OFP) and of an after all pretty good one (ArmA)

It's a PC game adapted to console!

They are using ArmA, a PC game, as a base for ArmA 2. Also, OFP's & ArmA's community is bigger than OFP:E's, so I really, REALLY, doubt that they'll release a console game crappily adapter for PC.
If it's in other way, ok, I don't care, but they can't disappoint the community any more (if they plan to stay on the market).

Have to agree with you Rommel

  Daniel Von Rommel    
I don't care if it will be released on pc ANYMORE. It will still be a crappy, weak console game converted to PC, the only way they could surprise me is making something like happened between OFP and OFP:Elite, which were two different games, I am NOT gonna WASTE my money on a CONSOLE game for the PC

Old Bear is right. Even if it is going on consoles as well as PC, us PC gamers should look at that as a good thing.

Maruk said it himself, the PC gaming area for BIS is getting smaller. They are a business, and if it means expanding to other platforms to actually stay alive in the gaming world, then so be it.

If it's got a wider audience, think of the more money they will make, the more resources and staff they can get. I personally don't mind it being on a console, and I'm not too much of a console fan.

A lot of people are over-reacting and not understanding what Maruk really said about consoles. It's still going to be on PC.

Yes, the previews might still look more like ArmA1'ish, but it's still early times before ArmA 2 final previews are ready.

Edited by Jason -
  Old Bear    
Maruk hasn't said BI is leaving PC. The question was "why console?" and not "why only console?"

As I have already ask this question to Maruk himself, I can tell you that this idea of the next release on consoles, was already here at ArmA release. It does not mean to abandon PC.

Let's remember that OFP : Elite was released for Xbox once !
It's an economical necessity, the market must be enlarged and the console market is the most growing one in a comparison with PC market.

I don't like playing on console (only to Mario Kart on my old N64), but look at Wii or PS3 madness !

So, BI going to release ArmA II also on console is a good new for me, an old timer player, because it means that BI is going on, that there is a future for this kind of hard core combat simulation in a very large non-scripted environment.

Edited by Old Bear -

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