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Comments for British Armed Forces To Be Deployed In Takistan
  Elliot Carver    
July 29th, 2010 - 01:30
OFP was made popular because you could do anything you wanted with it. You could reinact the American civil war with independence day motherships, you could assassinate Barbie with a Terminator T1000 and you could piss your mates off by walking mechs up the beach on D-Day at lan parties. Thats what made OFP great, thats why there is this community and thats why there is ArmA. When BI split from codemasters they split from game experience and that showed in ArmA1. ArmA2 shows they haven't learnt from their mistakes, thats why were having these petty arguments.

Instead of Mod packs which are already available Bi needs to release working, easy to use, fully documented tools for each modding genre on a CD. It would give the community purpose, keep the game alive for years and bring about an entirely new set of mods, clever technologies, new players and most importantly directions on which to base a Game 3.

This game is like lego, imagination is what makes it successful and BI need reminding of that!

July 28th, 2010 - 21:22
Sorry to say - Icewind.123 you miss the point completely.

There is no x is better than y. Even more in the end the mix is the key.

However there is a difference in people's attitude.

Have you ever seen config coder or scripting people or mission designers whine about BI not giving our all their assets for free and without restrictions?

Have you ever seen these people complain about "missing tools" or withheld knowledge?

Have you ever seen them promote closed source work, copyright, permission and bragging?

Did you notice that some parts of the community write their tools, tutorials, decode the file types and do their research themselves?

By far not every model designer is in the same for sure, yet be critical to yourself and do review people's attitude.

So why should BI release their assets (MLOD p3d)?

Edited by kju - July 28th, 2010 - 21:26
July 28th, 2010 - 19:09
As if models were the only or the most important community created content. They are not.

As if scripts were the only or the most important community created content. They are not.

For me, as a (unit) modder, models are very important. For you, as the scripting/config mastermind, other stuff is important....

We could go on with this for missions, physics, engine improvements or whatever the heck. Or be abit more open-minded and acknowledge all parts of the game.

Edited by Icewind.123 - July 28th, 2010 - 19:11
July 27th, 2010 - 21:08
beautiful models aren't the best way to improve the game... Scripts are. I agree with you. However, a good old ACE (or WGL for the good old time) is always good to mix with some nice models. And without modeling.... no unit addition.

July 26th, 2010 - 20:48
As if models were the only or the most important community created content. They are not.

  Mamut Killer    
July 25th, 2010 - 23:42
And do you think, that this datadisc makes from ArmA 2 good game? I don't thik so...
"Give us your money. That's all we care."
This is the reason, why they did the second version!
ArmA 1 is the best!!!

July 25th, 2010 - 21:37
For ArmA1, they released the full mlods of EVERYTHING ingame, which was a huge opportunity for the community and brought many beautiful addons to life.

And it took some persuasion from the community side for them to release those.


July 25th, 2010 - 17:55

Doesn't surprise me. BIS does have great develloper, however a good amount of 3rd party modders shown that they have a lot of talent and imagination. If BIS support those guys, they won't sell that much.

With this way, at best we'll end with a half free/half DLC addons librairy, like Flight Simulator... At worst case, it'll end like all those "give-me-$" games.

  Call for WW2    
July 24th, 2010 - 23:43
I think the reason Arma 2 is being less supportive to the modding community is very simple... they want to survive financially. Back in OFP days, OFP was the game of it's day really, so they allowed the game to be modded in almost everyway. Now though, with Modern Warfare 2 and Bad Company 2 and etc. it would be financial suicide if they release all the mlods and allow the modding community to do all the addons themselves, so they release excellent quality addons in DLC's, which cost money. And Darkwolf, DLC's simply ISNT the worst thing ever happened to a video game, u have to blame cracker's and pirates for DLC's. All you die hard fans have to realize some day that every company has to make profit and it doesn't matter if the company makes dishwasher's or video games. All in all, i do hope that BIS releases the mlods for Arma 2 someday, but dont expect it to happen anytime soon. Now if BIS would make a WW2 standalone expansion pack, i'll truly have a raging semi :P

July 24th, 2010 - 23:14
Darkwolf, BIS allready gives modders considerably less support than in ArmA1, so you're right abit.

For ArmA1, they released the full mlods of EVERYTHING ingame, which was a huge opportunity for the community and brought many beautiful addons to life.

For ArmA2, they only released one (russian) example soldier package, nothing else. No car sample model. No airplane sample model... for ArmA1, even before the mlod release, they also released vehicle and building sample models. It's over a year since ArmA2 release and still nothing on that side... well done. There's a reason why the majority of the addons these days is "just reskins" or uses Johnnys ArmA1 SF models for the 92837 time.

For visitor (tool for making islands), in ArmA1, they released a sample island and config. Nothing like that for ArmA2. And without sample and documentation, what use are modding tools? If we recall, a very skillfull island maker (Opteryx) left the community frustrated for these very reasons.
Only thanks to helpful minds of the community an ArmA2 sample map exists nowadays.


For models, you could argue that you could use ArmA1 mlods, but they need alot of work to work in ArmA2 properly and in quality and thus to use them requires expertise that a beginner in modding surely doesn't have. I know, because I converted alot of ArmA1 models and also gave alot of people the mlods of my converted work. I had lots of requests about this, so there is definetly a longing for mlods. Even CWR, the mod that will put the old BIS content into new light, wasn't allowed access to a single ArmA2 mlod. Nice...

Also, Maruks comment on new mlods seems fucked up. The essence was that "before further mlod release the licensing options would need to be evaluated". This sounds very much like they want to add some kind of forced insurance that BIS has a god given right to use user released addons based on their mlods.

The original license allready included that you would have to share your work based on the BIS models, but in the forums BIS representatives said that people wouldn't need to give access to their MLODs. So, there's really no other way.


Don't get me wrong, I love the BIS games, I'm a diehard player since the demo (bought every title and expansion up so far) and like to mod since '08 and will for some time, but there's really alot of chances that BIS doesn't give the modding community and holds back (for the the sake of DLC $ ?).

But try to tell all that stuf to the fanboys.


Edited by Icewind.123 - July 24th, 2010 - 23:50

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