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  CSL UI Mod (v 1.2)  
Picture of CSL UI Mod Author : ColonelSandersLite
Version : 1.2 Type : Tuning
Size : 15,1 KB  
Downloads : 1106 No rating for .

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Description :
This mod, in a nutshell, makes various in game UI elements more visible.

First, It replaces many of the BIS style white text on transparent light
grey backgrounds with white text on either black, red, green, blue,
transparent black, transparent red, transparent blue or transparent green
backgrounds. This makes the information much more legible when looking at
something bright or white. For example, the sun, a white building, the
in game map, etc. This look should seem familiar to OFP players.

Second, it moves the map scale indicator to the lower right corner of the
map, instead of the upper right. The prevents if from interfereing with
the command menu like it used to.

Third, it enlarges the compass in order that it is actually legible.

Fourth, it modifies the GPS device to be less obtrusive. It removes the
frame and moves it to the bottom right corner between the squad status bar
and action menu.

Finally, it enables the following information for all vehicles that did
not have it before:

Speed (KPH)

This mod does not overwrite any BIS files, and works via a modfolder.

This mod is completely modular, and any part of it can be disabled

The mod itself has only been tested on V1.08. It should work on
any other version. However, If BIS makes heavy alterations to UI.pbo in
some future patch, the mod may break. This case is honestly unlikely.

The is compatible with FDF sounds and will be compatible with any and all
mods with my name attached unless otherwise noted. For compatibility with
other mods, you'll just have to try it and see. Basically, only other UI
mods that change the look of practically everything will likely have a

Should work fine as it's purely client side, although it may give a cheat
notice if the server doesn't have it as well.

Home Page:

You can host this anywhere you want, but if you let me know via PM on the
BIS forums, I'll add a link in the download thread and let you know if I
patch it. I'd also prefer if you included a link back to this thread, as
this is where I'll be posting updates, answering questions etc.

If you're using this mod and build a mission, the mission will not require
it to be installed by the end user.

This mod does not overwrite any BIS files.

1: Browse to your arma directory (wherever arma.exe is located).

2: Unzip the contents of this zip file to your arma directory. Be sure to
keep folder structures intact.

3: Create a new shortcut to arma, or modify your existing shortcut.

4: In the target box, add -mod=@CSL_UI_MOD

If you already have a mod, running using the mod switch, seperate your mod
options with a semi colon. Do no use multiple -mod commands. For

Your target line should look something like this, depending on the options
you have enabled:
C:\games\arma\arma.exe -nosplash -mod=@FDF_Sounds;@CSL_UI_MOD

5: Optionally, change the color the mod will use. It defaults to solid
black, but has several color options.

To do this:

Move CSL_UI_MOD_BLACK_SOLID.pbo and CSL_UI_MOD_BLACK_SOLID.pbo.CSL.bisign from C:\YourArmaDirectory\@CSL_UI_MOD\Addons\ to C:\YourArmaDirectory\@CSL_UI_MOD\Addons\disabled\

Then, move the color of your choice along with the matching bisign file from C:\YourArmaDirectory\@CSL_UI_MOD\Addons\disabled\ into C:\YourArmaDirectory\@CSL_UI_MOD\Addons\

The PBOs are named after what color they are.

If you attempt to use more than one PBO at a time, it will cause an error.

Version History:
Added GPS, compass and vehicle information modifications.
Signed Addon.

Colors Added:
Solid Black
Solid Red
Solid Green
Solid Blue
Transparent Red
Transparent Green
Transparent Blue

Release - Transparent Black background only.

Unlimited rights (including editing and rereleasing) so long as it's non-
commercial and adheres to the BIS terms of use. Any derivative works must
credit the original authors. Any derivative work cannot be more
restrictive than this with respect to what rights an end user has.
Picture of CSL UI Mod Picture of CSL UI Mod Picture of CSL UI Mod
  September 25th, 2007 - 15:48   Comment (0)  

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