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Flashpoint: Chernarus and Flashpoint: Utes (v 2.5)
Picture of Flashpoint: Chernarus and Flashpoint: Utes Author : thomsonb Version : 2.5  
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Flashpoint: Chernarus and Flashpoint: Utes

ArmA II single player instant action missions

by thomsonb

version 2.5

I designed this mission framework to be an "Instant Action" mode for ArmA2, many other games have a mode like this, but it has always been missing from BIS games.

If you like the mission or have any questions or ideas, please send me a message on the BI forums (username thomsonb).

For simplicity I have decided to keep the version number the same between both the Chernarus and the new Utes versions, and I will update both in parallel.

Many thanks to Zipper5 who allowed me to adapt his "Apply Field Dressing" script from his excellent campaign "Operation Cobalt".

- Fixed: Helicopters could spawn too close.
- Fixed: Vehicles, crews and cargos now deleted striclty (low FPS and ghost vehicles after long journeys fix).
- Fixed: spetznatz AT soldier playerType was labeled grenadier.
- Changed: Group counts upto 20 now selectable (note: too many might be slow on your PC!).
- Changed: Map Compass and Binoculars are all random.
- Changed: Vehicles now spawn on roads (if any roads in the area).
- Changed: "Join Group" increased to 75metres.
- Added: "Join Group" units now automatically come to formation and set "aware" behaviour.
- Added: spawn range info text "min/max". (the two spawn values are for min and max spawn range, used for both sides).
- Added: New Death Camera and after death spectator mode.

- Added: Selectable support groups; snipers, vehicles, tanks, helicopters and aircraft.
- Added: "Apply Field Dressing" action to player when hit.
- Removed: "Call Medic" command, it was too clunky.
- Added: Cutomizable game settings, dialogs before mission start.
- Changed: "Battle is between" text now always shows player side factions first.
- Changed: Slightly increased the number of sniper groups spawned.
- Fixed: "Join Group" can now also add passengers from any vehicles in range.
- Added: "Flashpoint: Utes" More of the same action, this time on Utes Island, included in same package.
- Added: "Requset Medic" command; medics will try and come to your aid.
- Added: "Save Game" command.
- Changed: Commands dialog redesigned.
- Added: "Distance Travelled" counter in the Statisitics hint.
- Changed: Statisitcs hint tidyed up.
- Changed: "Join Group" function, now only grabs near soldiers, not their group members out of range.
- Changed: "Join Group" function, range increased.
- Changed: Reduced probabiltiy of heavy fog.
- Changed: Removed "Start Position" marker.
- Added: "Where am I?" command, shows your position on map.
- Improved: Objective completed hint and text.
- Fixed: Statisitcs hint now smaller and less intrusive.
- Fixed: NAPA T34 now has front gunner.
- Fixed: Teamswitch map not available during intro film.
- Fixed: Teamswitch only available when you have a team.
- Added: Dynamic Weather changes, and weather forcast command. The weather changes over a 30 minute cycle.
- Changed: Intro film, shortened and title text added.
- Changed: Improved Statistics command; now shows time of day, elapsed time, factions in battle, player health.
- Added: Readme file now included.
- Changed: Improved overview text.
- Added: Optional Objective point on the map. You can activate it from the commands menu. Reaching the position will complete the mission. A briefing section with marker link is added to the notes.
- Fixed: Start Position marker was apearing for a moment at the wrong place at the mission briefing screen.
- Added: Game commands are now available through a Dialog with buttons.
- Added: More varied Chadaki and NAPA groups, AT groups.
- Changed: Balanced the sides more, 4 friendly vs 6 enemy groups now.
- Added: More unit types to all sides, AA soldiers and Saboteurs.
- Changed: Sniper groups are now separately scripted support groups, and do not run around unrealistically now.
- Changed: Increased probability of 1 Faction vs 1 Faction battles (ie CDF vs Chadaki, USMC vs Russia etc).
- Removed: NVGs are no longer added to every player type, or every group leader.
- Changed: There are now over 60 different player types.
- Added: Factions; now the factions in the battle are different each time. There are 21 different combinations (eg USMC vs Russia, USMC and CDF vs Russia, USMC CDF and NAPA vs Chadaki etc etc).
- Fixed: Some Chadaki vehicles had Spetznaz soldiers not Chadaki carried in cargo.
- Removed: Armed Civilians from the West/Resistance side, they could be confusing.
- Added: Intro Movie.
- Added: Mission Briefing, task, map icon showing start position.
- Added: Fixed wing aircraft can now spawn on both sides (A10, AV8B, SU25 etc);
- Changed: Slightly reduced probability of vehicles, helicopters and aircraft spawning.
- Changed: Max unit skill increased slightly.
- Changed: NAPA units are now on the WEST side (rather than INDEPENDANT), so can join with USMC and CDF groups now.
- Changed: Random music is now disabled by default (can be activated by radio command).
- Added: AH64 Apache is now on the list of West helicopters that can spawn.
- Fixed: Music now stays off when you have it deactivated.
- Added: You can gather nearby soldiers into your team using a Radio command, and use Teamswitch within your group.
Picture of Flashpoint: Chernarus and Flashpoint: Utes
Size : 224 kB
  May 20th, 2010 - 15:17   Comment (0)  

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